Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Are You Wierd Enough for Networking?

Why is networking so difficult for many architects and engineers? First, your parents taught you not to talk to strangers as a kid. Networking is uncomfortable because of this. Second, there are social etiquette issues and not wanting to be seen as pushy. Third, public speaking is our greatest fear next to the fear of death, plus what do we have to say? Find out how being brave enough to extend a hand can bring unforeseen opportunities for creating new business for your firm.
Who is sitting near you right now? Look around. Do you really ever know exactly who you are attracting? A fun exercise: Consider the folks who surround you at any moment , and think about the role they could play helping you uncover leads for new projects.
We're out and about in our everyday lives all the time, but not until we slightly tweak those simple interactions toward a project-related conversation do we realize the wealth of contacts waiting on our doorstep. I believe that what we are seeking is seeking us - we just have to demonstrate the courage to get out of our comfort zones, extend a hand and meet the people around us.
Brave little moments like this can reveal incredible relationships and opportunities virtually at our fingertips. I encourage people to become a COW: a Citizen of the World, finding creative ways to engage people in conversations that artfully turn toward your firm's value proposition.Here are a few points that can help you get outside your own comfort zone:

1. Realize that networking is weird for most people. You're not the only one afraid to stick out that hand or start a conversation. Fear of rejection shapes most of our lives ... but it's the brave ones who go beyond that False Evidence Appearing Real that make others comfortable in relating back. We all converge in the streets as brothers and sisters during an earthquake - why not generate that same relatedness all the time?
2. Find natural opportunities to connect.With a little practice, you can learn how to start up a conversation anywhere: in the line at the coffee shop, checking out at the grocery store or in the elevator at the office. When you want to buy a new car, you see them all over the place. When you want to find ways to connect with people, you'll be overwhelmed by all the opportunities to do so surrounding you every day. You just have to start looking!
3. Add a simple question to your brief conversations: "What do you do?"It's a simple ice-breaking question that most people don't think to include in their short, passing conversations, yet it turns that everyday conversation into one that can help you. If you ask someone "What do you do?" they will most often ask the same question of you. This easy question gives you a project-related conversation that can shower you with information and connections that you would have simply walked by.
4. Develop your 30-second "Elevator Speech."In the Fusion Seminar we spend time helping people position their value proposition in their "Elevator Speech" which is your response when someone asks you the question, "What do you do". Everyone involved in the design and construction industry needs to have a response that says more than, "I am an engineer or architect." Your response can open doors and lead to more questions, or be followed up by a response like, "My neighbor is an engineer." You can't become a networking star overnight, but you can take baby steps and try these techniques the next time you are at a meeting, reception or event. The results will surprise you.

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